Thursday, September 4, 2008


There are lots of great deals on the foreclosure and short sale market, but be prepared to wait it out while the clueless banks take their time fumbling around with the particulars, some banks are better than others, but most of them are always waiting for an appraisal or to find out if there are any clouds on the title.
If you are renting or in a similar situation where you don't have anything to sell and there is no chain reaction that needs to take place, you are in the drivers seat. Typically it takes about 3 months from start to finish, less if you can pay cash, but be sure that you get a title insurance policy to protect you against any unforeseen liens or encumbrances that may have been overlooked, alot of times in a foreclosure situation the former owner "forgets" to pay taxes and other things like mechanics liens or permanent improvements, the title policy will insulate you against costly litigation and other headaches.
Please contact me if you have an interest in a foreclosure or short sale property, I will help you find the best deals available.

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