Monday, August 25, 2008


Lets get it over with already, the presidential election used to be kinda fun, the country came together to try to figure out who will do the best job in keeping America strong and steer her on the right path to prosperity. Now we just hold our breath and try to figure out which candidate has the least checkered past, the least amount of scandals and most importantly, who will do the least amount of damage.
The real estate market always gets sluggish right before the presidential election, granted, it has been sluggish for about a year now but we need leadership and direction to get us back on track, the congress is so awash in partisan politicking that they will not be effective stewards for significant change. The real estate market fueled the longest sustained economic growth that the country has ever experienced, mismanagement, malfeasance and sloppy banking practices caused the derailment.
The true American does not depend on the government to dictate their financial decision making ability, what we should be doing is trying to make November 4th just another day.

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